At least there arent any mistakes in Box 2. 7. 4f. Absolutely nothing! There are many reasons that Filling out the Form 1 (Application to Make and Register a Firearm) can be a really frustrating process, even for people that have previously submitted Tax Stamp Applications. So everyoneo n the trust needs to fill one of these out? 3e. I don't have a printer scanner, but have adobe pro so could do this all pretty easily if they take e signature. ), you might need to sign your name differently than normal. Please complete item 20", "Always select Box 1.a., as Boxes b. But what do you enter in Box 3d. All Responsible Persons must be listed on this page and their 5320.23 forms uploaded using the 'Choose File' button seen below. Country of Birth. But as Model names are optional (on firearms built from scratch), John could have entered "NONE" if he didnt want to use a Model name. Unique Personal Identification Number(See instructions 3C). As I noted here, many NFA dealers are planning to offer in-store fingerprinting so you should check with your local gun store.
UPDATED FOR THE NEW 2023 ATF eForm 1 - reddit 9a. Tax Paid., Next comes the section where you choose between an individual and the representative of a company or gun trust. Select ATF Form 1 from the list to continue. On the CLEO page you just need to enter all the same CLEO info that you already have on your saved Responsible Person form on your computer. Box 15a.- 15f2 is a group of terribly worded questions. Fill out the following: If you need the last 4 of your zip use this, USPS Zip Code Lookup, just type in your address and it tells you your zip code. Options are: "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American", "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", or "White". But that simply isnt the case. The responsible party form is required to be filled by everyone in your trust. For example, John could enter: El Paso Police Department*El Paso County Sheriffs OfficeEl Paso County District Attorneys OfficeTexas Department of Public SafetyUnited States Attorneys Office for the Western District of Texas, * John can only use the El Paso Police Department as the CLEO if his ranch is located within the city limits of El Paso, Boxes 11-17This is where individual applicants enter their background information. While reading through an article from one of the Trust Shop lawyers, John discovers that he will need to submit an ATF Form 20 before he can transport his SBR to his ranch (because it is in a different state). The following CLEO notification must also be completed. The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnairepaperwork requires you to submit fingerprint cards. Federal explosives laws define a "responsible person" as an individual who has the power to direct the management and policies of the applicant pertaining to explosive materials. A formal commitment of a person to a mental institution by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority. You will be brought to a user registration page. The Name & Address of Original Manufacturer (4a. Seeing as how item 17 is about UPINs, its safe to say we found our first mistake. 3e. Please be aware that refusal to provide this informationmay result in a delay in the NICS background check process.". In Example #5 John is going to store his SBR at the ranch in El Paso, Texas. If you are registering a Sear, multi is no longer acceptable. And, if you want to take your own prints,[35] we have all of the supplies you need. Seriously What does info about Photocopying have to do with the Description of Firearm? Always select the appropriate method of payment, regardless of how you are paying. 4e. Though that didnt seem like an altogether unappealing proposition, John knew his wifes wrath would go well beyond separate sleeping quarters if he bought the SBR. If you dont want to use a Model name, just enter: NONE. These questions are answered in the ATF Form 54320.23 for each responsible person in the gun trust. Regardless, if you are a citizen of the Red, White, & Blue, check the box next to "United States of America." If you have a question, comment, input, or concern (or simply dont have any friends), please shoot us an email at, Federal Bureau of Investigation CJIS Department, Copyright 2001 2021 by The Trust Shop. You do not need to submit another FFL application (Form 7). Law Enforcement Notification. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 7. Click Browse and select your completed and ready to go trust file, select Trust under document type, and select add document. Find the form here ATF Responsible Party Form print out however many you need and fill out just the first two pages. var x = document.getElementById("myTopnav2"); I'm curious to see if your application had any problems. I just used the same passport photo that was on my responsible party form that I scanned onto the computer. 3g. The contact information for that CLEO gets entered in Box 10. are the manufacturer, so you will enter your Name & Address just like you did in Box 3b., except this time you are only required to enter the City & State part of the address (Street & Zip not required). You can not start manufacturing your suppressor until you get the approved stamp. Some engraving places wont do it without proof of a stamp, Ill just put it that way. Heres an explanation of responsible persons. Type of Destructive Device This is hands-down the stupidest and most poorly worded question on the Form 1 Application (and that is saying something). If this sounds like you, a UPIN might be your answer. Additionally, because he is building the SBR from scratch, John will need to create a Model and Serial Number for the gun. The best answer we can give is that you should enter the next smallest political subdivision after country. Please be aware that refusal to provide this informationmay result in a delay in the NICS background check process.". This is your ethnicity. In all of the Smith Family Trust examples (other than Example #5), John can enter the contact information for any of the following CLEOs: Phoenix Police DepartmentMaricopa County Sheriffs OfficeMaricopa County Attorneys OfficeArizona Department of Public SafetyUnited States District Attorney for the District of Arizona. Summary: Two of the three significant changes by the ATF increase the burden on the use of NFA trusts. You will then be able to pay for the tax stamp before you sign and submit. Theres no official definition in the Gun Control Act of 1968, so we have to go by the ATFs interpretation from 18 U.S.C. The ATF may contact any responsible person at any time and all responsible persons are expected to comply. Portland, Oregon 97208-5015. If purchasing with a NFA Gun trust, you will write the name of the settlor and trustee after that, i.e. If so, just GTS (Google That ShStuff) and youll find the answer on the manufacturers website. [33], Duplex Printing: You used to be required to print all of your application paperwork on both sides of the page. State of Birth. Once you pay, youll be able to select the sign and submit button. You will now have an item under the Submitted/In Process section of your eForms dashboard. Instructions 3C state: "Social Security Number (SSN) and Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). [6](hint: if you have to enter the physical street address no matter what, why enter a PO Box in the first place?). 3i. You can answer the yes or no questions without messing up anything, but you dont need to if you filed with a trust. If you dont have a middle name, enter NMN, which stands for No Middle Name. In some respects, federal firearms licenses are fluid documents that can be changed depending on the growth of your business. Do not use .338 Lapua. 15a. Because the Smith Family Trust is the manufacturer, John will enter the information just like he did in Example #2, with one notable exception. Use .223 cal or 5.56 MM. You might want to consider getting a UPIN if you have ever tried to purchase a firearm at the store and they said your background check was delayed, or you were incorrectly denied. Barrel Length This is always the Barrel Length of the firearm you are going to build. Have the first two pages of a signed and completed NFA Responsible Person Form scanned into your computer as a pdf. Name and Home Address of Responsible Person. You can also use our ATF 5320.23 Generator to generate your paperwork without .PDF software.
[6], 3c. Next, fill out the address of maker and item info. Under Model you may select N-A to make things easy. Box 4c - Caliber or Gauge Enter either the Caliber or Gauge in this field. You will need to upload a photo of yourself less than 3mb during the eFile process. Firearm Serial Number. But another acceptable answer is "Investment and all other lawful purposes.". Commonlyreferred to ATFForm 23. Fillable .PDF to yourcomputer and fill out the document from there. You will need designate a specific caliber. However, this information assists with theefficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check. Box 14b on the other hand, may not be quite as obvious for many people. John says that adding a 2nd upper receiver is "kinda like a toofer! The CLEO Copy is sent to the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (we will go into more detail on this near the end of the article). Click next to move on to the Electronic Documents page. Note: do not enter your title (if you have one) after your signature. If you have a UPIN, you will select the "Yes" box and included your UPIN Number. At the bottom of page 2 You should sign the document as a trustee . 3c. Neckbone Armory also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Enter the Trust Name and address from the Form 1, 4, or 5. Thats because most of the info on the web is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete. ", Or, if you are going to build your SBR with additional calibers/barrels/upper receivers, you can list them in this box. They give you little 22 photos for a few bucks each. has different requirements. National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire -Fillable .PDF ATF Form 5320.23. . x.className += " responsive";
PDF Instructions/Definitions for ATF Form 7 (5310.12)/7CR - FFL License You need to upload a Responsible Person form for everyone on the trust along with a picture and all their information. (Serial Number), the "for the use of the ATF" section at the bottom of Page 2, and Box 12 (Photograph). Yes every responsible person named in the trust is required to fill this out for every application to the ATF. In multi-store franchise situations, the store owners are often responsible persons on their own licenses, but the corporate managers are not. New gun trusts only cost $49 and come with unlimited use of the ATF Form System, so you can use it for all of your future Form 1 Applications. For example, the term "responsible person" has been defined, and certain provisions have made it easier to handle NFA firearms in the estate of a deceased person. Additionally, you get access to all of our other ATF Forms, as well as all gun trust forms. This is the manufactures name and address or importer if applicable of the NFA firearm you are registering. You canbuy the FBI Form FD-258'sPaper Fingerprinting PacketHere. If filing as a trust (recommended) select Trust and click next. and Unique Personal Identification Number, . Additionally, depending on which type of applicant you are (Individual, Trust, Corp, etc. You will also need to provide a physical address.