However, for all he knew, the people coming up behind him may be friendly. In swirling darkness and bloody shadows they had done the dirty work, sacrificing a whole world, no, universe- no, timeline would be the most accurate. Thanks to having much of his assets seized. The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work centers around Jon Snow being sent back in time due to Melisandres rituals and spells. To those who did not know him, only the Valyrian steel longsword laid next to the body offered a clue to Jon Snows true status. She would do her duty to her king and country. As with everything this author writes, this fic is so satisfying in the best possible way! TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. I couldnt allow the North to go through yet another war, Sansa, especially not one against dragons.. If Homura can keep everyone alive, she might just win this time. Robert Baratheon's strategy to take out the Lannisters. It worked., He should be awake, she pointed out. For the watch the refrain of every mutineer rang in his head once more. No, he murmured beneath his breath. Just then, a sharp loud gasp sounded as he reached the threshold. Unhurriedly, she propped Longclaw against the table then washed the dirt and blood from the dead mans chest. Small wonder you risked your neck to save this blade, she said. There are so many talented writers in this fandom and tons of them have poured so much time and energy into writing such amazing fics that I wish theyd been given the reins to write the ending of the show. The Hound. Time Travel AU | FanFiction So I started to make a rec post per a lovely anon request and honestly I couldnt stop once I got started (my love for these fics knows no bounds and I ranted about each of them in italics below). The work was published on August 19, 2016, and completed on August 7, 2017. It was a memory that dropped back into his conscious mind like a stone down a dry well. Embittered by being sent to the Wall after his years of service, he manipulated events so he could return to Westeros in another's body and exile the last Targaryen. I most likely wont finish this so try to enjoy what you have! Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 28,754 Canon Compliant through: 8x05, Summary:Jons heart constricted at the thought of his Sansa standing proud and defiant as dragonflames consumed her. The work was published on August 19, 2016, and completed on August 7, 2017. Naked, but for the flimsy cloth preserving his modesty, and caked in his own blood and dirt. In the original timeline these eggs were stolen from Cregan Stark's tomb by an agent of Bloodraven and brought to Pentos for Daenerys, but here Jon Snow finds them first and hatches them. Im in love with the plot and Sansa is so brilliant and badass throughout every second. Stannis meanwhile will take the Crownlanders and the Royal Fleet to blockade/capture Lannisport. In spring, I move. ~ Henry Rollins. Sansa, no, no, gods, after this, I hope I never have to see her again., The Season 8 we deserved. "You have taken something that you could not even attempt to wrap your head around. Melisandre attempts to bring Snow back to life, and partially succeeds, but Snow is sent back in time to before the Tourney of Harrenhal. Never let it be said the daughter of Eddard Stark was without honor. There was bound to be a charitable Septon who would take pity on him, even a Maester if he was really lucky. Where are they now? He whipped around again, to where the Lord Commander lay gasping. Only then will he find his way back home in time to defeat the Great Other and win back all the Starks lost. Create a free website or blog at Littlefinger books it after escaping from the Black Cells. North of the Wall? A Stitch in Time was well received by the ASOIAF/GOT fandom, with over a thousand favorites and follows from members of Magnus expected to die. Even though he was undoubtedly many leagues from Oldtown, just having somewhere to aim for renewed his sense of direction and gave him something to focus on. But the question is, what can she do? I know what to say., Sansa shrugs, the thick grey furs draped over her shoulders rising and falling. Collections: 7 Comments: 1629 Will you go searching for your family, or find your friends? Only the arrival of Lady Melisandre induced him to tear his gaze away from the horror before him. They always regretted losing to Kamomedai. First, he had to get there. The blade was removed, as Jon continued to stare into Edmure's eyes, "Arise, Jon Snow, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms." Jon rose slowly, not fully believing he'd just been knighted. Jon isn't the world-destroying type though, he's already done it once, and this time around he'd much rather save it instead. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? Summary:Jon comes home. Actually, you do look an awful lot like our Ned.. Im not an educated man, my lady, but hes definitely breathing. A post s7 story where Jon and Sansa struggle to navigate their new political landscape while suppressing their feelings for one another, Arya does everything in her power to protect her pack, and Bran and Sam try to figure out how to kill the Night King. Why do I struggle to find the words?, Her sisters grey eyes study her face attentively for a heartbeat. But when the sound of voices did reach him, it brought no relief. For more information, please see our Assuming Ned was her companion, Jon tried calling out to her. She placed her hands on the wounds and spoke as if pleading with them to close. The work begins at the point in canon where Jon Snow had been killed by his Black Brothers of the Nights Watch. The plot isincredible the characterizations are great, the endings of the villains work perfectly in the story, all the Starks are so smart and actually use the abilities theyve spent seasons gaining, and the ending is perfect! As if you hadnt used your own life as a bargaining chip to save the North - to save our family. Thanks! Language: English. Gotten some life experience.All that fun and handy life experience is telling him that being disintegrated by a massive laser is fatalAnd yet. "Come to bed Jon," She said then, her voice sultry smooth, like silk. Im looking forward to more updates for this fic whenever theyre posted. [Abandoned as of 18.06.2020. The problem? Tywin mentions that Grand Maester Pycelle is passing information from King's Landing to Casterly Rock. In exile after killing Daenerys for her burning of King's Landing, Jon Targaryen receives an unexpected visit during his time up north. To talk about memories?. Daenerys considers the person she was when she married Khal Drogo as having died with her husband in the previous timeline. Bloodraven's scheme revolved around this. And then there's the growing question of his mother. The characters are all perfectly written and Ive adored every interaction that each of them has had. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Tywin intends to have Joffrey marry Sansa once he dethrones Robert for attacking the Westerlands. I adore the plot of the fic and I always love a good Arranged Marriage AU. Eldon Estermont notes that the charming and jolly Renly looks more troubled and weary due to the stresses of recent events. Get back in here now, hes breathing!. Re: Gamer's Grimoire Chapter 8: Mountainfall: Part 1 - But . And how on earth does Sansa, as Cersei, deal with being Tywin's daughter, Tyrion's hated sister, and Jaime's beloved? Jay is a Godless man indeed. Then, making matters worse, the nearest road was treacherous with loose stones that dug into the soles of his feet. But please, madam, I badly need your help.. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Then she woke up a week before her half-brother's second name day, decidedly alive. All characters are from G.R.R.M's Game of Thrones. Torn between hiding and making himself as visible as possible, the snap decision made itself. Its filled to the brim with Stark sibling moments, Pol!Jon, friendships, politicalintrigue, magic, and, of course, Jonsa. Sam! His old friends name even tasted sweet on his lips as he spoke it aloud. Fix-it scenes between Christopher/Thomas, Christopher/James, Christopher/Jesse, Grace/Jesse, Grace/Cordelia and James, Grace/Matthew will hopefully be satisfying. For this chance, they had given everything. Littlefinger, outside of his need to sow chaos. Barely a few steps down the way and his feet were beginning to bleed. Well find you some clothes that fit and you can come with us. Five years pass between Chapters 21 and 22. Sansa finds herself back in Winterfell, separated from her family by distance, duty and yet another secret, raising another bastard child as she rebuilds herself, the castle and the North. Powered by Tumblr. Winter is coming and the dead with it, but King Robert Baratheon is making his way North after the death of Jon Arryn. If he did find his way to Castle Black, then Alliser Thorne, Bowen Marsh and Ollie would be only too willing to do the job properly this time. Jon names the three dragons he hatches (originally Daenerys' dragons in canon) Algernon, Erendil, and Illyrion. Tormund burns down Bloodraven's cave, presumably killing him. Their last hope faded with the smell of the burning hair. Most of the great Time Travel Fics in the ASOIAF Fandom that I have read and enjoyed! She is in love with Winterfell and , Much too bright. People of such abilities are called "Outsiders". When the Old Gods save Thorin "Now that you are king of the North I would like to share some advice that your father told me once, a ruler rules best with a lady at his side." Check out more of my Jonsa fic rec lists here! Time Travel Fics - A Song of Ice and Fire Varys was never a POV character in the books, but here he winds up being one of the main characters as one of those who was sent back to prepare Westeros for the Long Night. Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 39,051 Canon Compliant through: 6x08, Summary:For some reason, its Theon Greyjoys voice in Rickons head as he begins to run. Get off the mountain, go to the nearest town and get help a plan began to formulate. Jon Snow Timetravel fics. But she didnt let her fear or shock overawe her for long. This fanfiction's title is intriguing enough to get a click from most Game of Thrones fans. In doing so, Clouds memories were not included. Clearly a nod to Jon Snow's long stint with the Night's Watch, this 40-chapter-long beast of a. Anger and disappointment vied against each other among Davos feelings. None of it was possible. Ones that seem to almost warn him of events to come. Really everyone brought back by the Lord of Light has this problem, but Jon had it worse than most because Bloodraven tampered with his. Search It features all of the Starks that have been lost throughout the show and its lovely to see them again even as they struggle to make sense of the situation that theyve found themselves in. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Fair warning that the slow burn is ssslllooowww (thimbleful is literally the queen of the slow burn) and every painful second of it is amazing! Because, in hopes of protecting their identities, Jon and Sansa have to pretend to be happily married and in love. I adore literally everything about this fic. Robert needs children right now and Sansa hasn't flowered yet; childbirth could likely be very dangerous. Cersei and Joffrey escape when both he and Renly are shouted at by Robert. Since birth she'd been groomed to take a seat on the Iron Throne. Seriously, I pulled an all-nighter when I found this fic because as soon as I started reading it I couldnt put it down! But that was not who she was now. Jonsnow Stories - Wattpad Dany had been reborn in the Red waste along with her dragons, and again she had been reborn in this life, with all her memories to give her even more advantage over her enemies and she would not be cowed into being the simpering little girl she had been. Robin Arryn is revealed to be Lysa's son by Littlefinger. During their travels the tension builds between themespecially after Jon suffers an injury and theyre taken in by an older couple. Eldon mentions that many of the Stormlords were displeased by King Robert's decision to foster Renly with the Tyrells, feeling that Robert was rewarding Mace Tyrell for supporting the Targaryens. The various Gods, from the Seven, the Old Gods, and the Lord of Light are teaming up by sending various characters back into the past to undo Bloodraven's damage. His mouth had run dry and his whole body was trembling. But there was no one there. She is sweet and kind but fierce. Technically she came back right (without the magic Bloodraven siphoned to her), but that means she is much weaker than she was in the old timeline. It's been nearly three years since the worst 24 hours of her life when Juliette finds herself going back in time. According to The Stranger, this is what happened to Jon in Season 6 because Jon lost the ability to listen to good advice. The letters are sweet and sad and its good to see my darling Starks reaching out to each other after everything theyve been through. Jon Snow Time Travel AU | Archive of Our Own I still do not own ANY of the Game of Thrones characters. Pregnant Sansa is sobrave and amazing. So when he starts pacing while reading Robert's declaration of war on the Lannisters, Kevan knows something is up. Then, when the hand of the king dies, and Robert Baratheon rides north to Winterfell, Jon knows the dream didn't mean nothing. Please be aware of this before you start reading!!!! This fic is amazing. Littlefinger did indeed reveal the incestuous relationship between Cersei and Jaime, but not his motivations. - Just wait until the Darksaber gets involved. 1.2M 32.8K 58 DISCONTINUED amaris smiled and her eyes filled with melancholy tears as she looked at jon snow, the man she loved but could never have. Jon's lived hundreds of lives. ], But you, Lord Snow, youll be fighting their battles forever. Ser Alliser Thorne. Unfortunately for her, there's no dragon eggs this time and no way for her to build an army to return to Westeros. Davos thought, irritably. Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 43,500 Canon Compliant through: 8x03. Luckily, Brandon had taken to holding him up. Jon Snow, a prince of the empire and the first Dragonknight in over a hundred years was born to wage war and strike down the empire's enemies. I adore this fic so much! Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Clearly, he did not notice Jon paling or his heartbeat racing as he looked between the girl and him. Notes: Grace changes her and Christopher's fate, so it's a change from canon. The focus of the story is on the White Walkers, and trying to defeat them. Never mind that, Ned. I cant I dont-, Dont fret on it, said Brandon. Still, he hazarded a guess. ", "The last time when she had made this walk, she had felt like she was going to meet the executioner and it had taken all the strength she had not to vomit from fear. lol), Rating: Mature Word Count: 55,758 Canon Compliant through: 7x07. Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. Click here to read the rest of A Stitch in Time. That girl was dead. She would win the game for her family. In winter, I plot and plan. Maybe he will meet Ice too, and he will definitely ask him why he and Mav wont make each other happier. The pack survives, whispered the North. Curiosity clearly piqued, Brandon let go of Jons shoulders to look at Longclaw. Is this why you brought me here? A full on s8 fix-it fic at this point. It was fur-lined and felt luxurious against his bare, cold skin. I d Willa Frey's beauty has been heard of throughout all the Seven Kingdoms. The Jonsa fics I am writing can be found on AO3! Follow the story of a highborn adjusting to her new life out in the real world where she has bigger problems than walking with elegance and grace. 50 Must-Read Stories Of Game of Thrones Fanfiction | Book Riot Summary:"Forgive me, he tells her, his voice is almost inaudible but there is no mistaking the pleading in his tone. Above him, a blue sky spread out only to be punctured by mountain peaks; all clear and bright in the throes of an early spring. I loved every second of reading it! He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. All were fed to the flames, filling the air with an acrid stench. At least it is according to tvtropes so ? Jon Snow Time Travel Fanfic Post-Season 7 or 8? : r/TheCitadel - reddit <3, Rating: Teen Current Word Count: 80,865. Grace invents time travel in order to go back and save Christopher. I am Brandon of House Stark and this here is my sister, Lady Lyanna.. Then she made her own way there, and stood waiting. Summary:When the Winterfellians learn that Cersei has hired men to kidnap Sansa, they decide that Sansa needs to run away and Jon volunteers to protect her. Chapter 27 indicates that Robert has persuaded the Ironborn to join in on his campaign to take out the Lannisters. Definitely not. Summary: Sansa and Jon sleeping together before he goes to Dragonstone and when he comes back he finds out she is pregnant. Rating: Explicit Current Word Count: 49,373 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 7x07. Something they took for the after effects of his attack. The plot is amazing and the characters have been written so beautifully. She was running towards him when she stopped and called out to someone else. I thought you were with the others?. The work begins at the point in canon where Jon Snow had been killed by his Black Brothers of the Night's Watch. various characters and pairings from flashbacks I may not tag, reoccurring background original characters, pairings will be tagged when brought up to the main timeline, Just to warn you: it is Sansa in Cersei's body. Better if in Robert Rebellion era, or Conqueror's era or even the Dance era. Luckily, the Mandalorian and baby Yoda in question are good at adapting, and Senator Bail Organa has close ties with the Jedi. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Summary: Jon snow sent back in time, and given a second chance in his life, he knows not why or by whom. Prompt: It is the end of the world, and due to magic and plot, Sansa's consciousness is permanently transported into the past; into Cersei's body immediately before she meets King Robert in the Sept of Baelor. Too bright. In the process, all of Christopher's friends and family contribute to the mission. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Had he not also felt like hed drank a winesink dry the night before, he might have enjoyed the sensation more. Not a kidnapping fic. But it was happening, it was all real and solid and alive. When Jon and Benjen have to warn the Night's Watch of the White Walkers, the southern-born Othell Yarwyck takes less convincing than the Northern Bowen Marsh. The wall was gone, replaced by mountains that stretched out all around him. The Fullness Of Time Chapter 33: Jon - Snow, a game of thrones fanfic Jon, though, assumes she means they should marry each other. Does that sound familiar? Fixing it in place with his sword belt, he began cautiously treading around the loose rocks again, heading downhill. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. In the meantime, you still have this magnificent blade. I dont know if hed like to hear from me.. Ned reveals Jon's parentage to Catelyn in Chapter 24. Rating: Not Rated Current Word Count: 26,214 Canon Compliant through: 8x05 and part of 8x06. This is my first work ever. As the burning in his eyes subsided, he rolled over onto his side and breathed in the rich scent of earth and grass. Other than that, there was a small cloth covering him and Longclaw had slipped from his hands as he regained consciousness. All the same, he was capable of doing nothing more than gape dumbly at all these long dead people who surrounded him. She pressed down on his heart, voiced her final incantation and pressed her hands down. The whole team of Karasuno travelled back in time, to the beginning of their rise as a powerhouse. Ser Alliser had been the ringleader, with Bowen Marsh and Ollie.